ma and pa boxers were gorgeous brindle and white, and pa was very well behaved, ma was a bit hyper, but thats okay. 3 brindle pups and 2 reds - 8 weeks old. purebred with papers. we stayed for over an hour playing with them and talking to the woman and her kids and her husband and in the end picked this little bundle of joy to come home and be the baby of the family. not sure how fergus will take it, bear and molly are fine with dogs, they lived with two german shepards for a while. fergus may not like her new sister for a while but i'm sure she'll put her in her place. meet reese!, name for the candy not the witherspoon, |
boxers are awesome. i think there's about six of them on my street. can you get a puppy kong where you live? it's the best dog toy EVER. send me your address and I'll send you one if you can't. |
put reese's picture on the bottom. |
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Ditto on the Kongs, except for my freakish dog who is afraid of toys for the most part. |
Henry is so cute! I think we can get them here - ? |
reese a present |
oh my. oh my. soooo cute. man, puppies are so cute and so much work. i love boxers. their big, wide tongues make me laugh every time. leroy is obsessed with boxers. when we take our dogs to the dog park, leroy finds the closest boxer and they start running and playing like mad. leroy comes back soaking wet from boxer slobber. btw, you two know about leroy's got a profile there :) |
Yes to dogster, I am about to hook Reese up with one. My cats are on catster :) |
new zealanders and aussies tend to go to London as the first port of call from their OE. Out of all the people I know from high school, work, and so on I have never heard of anyone getting shot. what kind of vodka induced haze do you spend your fucking time in? |
you're talking out your ass again dude. its common sense if you're going into shit areas to not flaunt your wealth. now get the fuck off my puppy thread. |
The first night we put her in her crate and she howled for ages (although not sure what time exactly cause I fell asleep). Andrew got up at 1.30 to let her out to pee, and I got up at 6.30 to do the same. Then we all went back to our beds until 8.30 when she started calling for us. Last night she only cried for 20 minutes before going to bed and slept right through, I got up at 6.30 to let her out to pee and ended up staying up and playing with her. She's so funny, I reckon you can never be sad with a dog around. We dropped into animates (a pet store) after we did the groceries this morning and they had a boxer pup about the same age for twice the price with no papers. I bought her a squeaky duck. She keeps taking it outside. |
Good for you for telling V to get the fuck off your puppy thread, damnitall. |
Bear (the feline lukemia virus'd cat) usually sleeps in the lounge so he's her official babysitter. We pay him in catnip/mint leaves. He gets very purry, but doesn't let Reese come too close. I've got some more photos to upload, she fell asleep on me today with her tounge out and a big snore going on. Very cute. |