lightning strike at the data center Why I oughta...: lightning strike at the data center
By ... on Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 09:35 pm:

    been with this hosting company for something
    like 20 years. the operation is held together by
    strings and coat hangers. monster thunderstorms
    in Connecticut blew up some fiber, or something.
    spent 40 minutes on hold before realizing i had
    been on hold for 40 minutes. i don't let this
    shit bother me like i used to, but for a while i
    couldn't tell if Chinese hackers hadn't blown me
    up again like they did however many years ago.
    compared to then i'm better prepared
    logistically to recover from something like that
    but if it happened now i'd go emotionally
    unhinged. shitstorms, man. relationship ends,
    old friend dies, funeral is intensely emotional,
    epic meetup last night with a friend i love
    (haven't laughed so hard in years), i'm out of
    money and feeling mental encroachments. going
    back to work. my business still has a pulse i
    just gotta get it back to work. i have never
    watched a Marilyn Monroe movie but I am watching
    But Stop tonight.

By Dr Pepper on Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 11:19 pm:

    Uhmm, I can sense that China is a serious threat to U.S.