"75 Things Every Woman Should Know... 1. If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. 2. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. 3. If you have ANY doubt in your mind about a man's character, leave him alone. 4. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. 5. Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be. 6. Don't force an attraction. 7. Slower is better. 8. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. 9. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. 10. Have faith in God regarding your relationship, but don't let faith make you stupid. God does things decent and in order. 11. Don't settle. 12. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. 13. If he keeps changing his mind about the relationship--take that as a BIG sign that he is unstable. Do you really want to be with a man like that? 14. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. 15. Honorable men take care of their business and aren't involved in a whole lot of mess. 16. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. 17. There's only one 'reason' a man dumps you; he doesn't want you. 18. Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently? 19. You really do have to kiss a few frogs before finding the prince. 20. Always put yourself and your happiness first. 21. Always have your own set of friends separate from his. 22. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. 23. Like from the show Sex and the City, if he doesn't call, he just isn't that interested. 24. Be honest and up-front. 25. Know when to cut the cord, don't be strung along 26. Don't fall for the "I'm confused role". Remove yourself from the situation to let him figure things out (but don't wait for him, move on). 27. If you want to have a clue as to how he will treat you, watch how he treats the WOMEN in his family (not just mom). 28. There's more than physical abuse, there's emotional and mental abuse. If he causes any of them...flee. 29. You cannot change a man's behaviors. Change comes from within. 30. Don't let him place rules on you that he is not willing to follow himself -- double-standard. 31. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...even if he has more education or in a better job. 32. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less. 33. Demand respect and if he can't give it, he can't have you! 34. Don't compete with other woman, but be aware that men are attracted to what they see. 35. If you think he is cheating, he probably is. Confront him right away and if you feel he's lying, let him go. 36. Actions speak louder than words. 37. Never let a man define who you are. 38. Never rely on a man for compliments, look to yourself for that. 39. Never borrow someone else's man. 40. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. 41. Just because he says he loves you, doesn't mean that he won't hurt you and it doesn't mean that you are meant to be with him. 42. To use painful hard-won wisdom -- 'get it right' the next time. 43. Know that you deserve to be the number one person in the life of the #1 person in your life. 44. Love is a verb ... 45. Learn to give up your lifelong task of trying to make someone unavailable-available, someone ungiving-giving, and someone unloving-loving. 46. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. 47. All men are NOT dogs. 48. You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is a two way street. 49. If you don't love self...you can't love anyone else. 50. You cannot mend someone else's broken heart 51. You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about baggage...deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship. 52. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary. 53. Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right. 54. NEVER give more in a relationship than you are getting out of it. 55. Never become your man's "therapist". 56. When actions and words conflict, believe the actions. Respond to the actions. 57. A real healthy relationship requires two people. One person can end it - but it takes two to make it work. 58. Don't fall for the "I'm not the loving type"...when a man loves you there is nothing in this world (within reason) that he wouldn't do for you. 59. Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him he takes it for granted. 60. Give him his space...let him go out with his boys, don't pressure him to spend time with you, You cant force a man to hang out with you. 61. If you wouldn't allow your daughter to be with him you shouldn't. 62. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. 63. Never move into his mother's house. 64. Provide financially for yourself and don't depend on anyone. 65. Never co-sign for a man. 66. Never believe you have the perfect guy and he is so innocent. 67. Never spoil your man; let him spoil you. 68. Never let a man mess up your credit. 69. When it's time to let go; let go. 70. Good men should be treated like good men. 71. Don't play games. 72. You can't make a #### into a housewife - or husband. 73. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others. 74. Compatibility in terms of educational attainment, values, beliefs, personal and career goals, and socioeconomic status, are important. 75. Never date a guy who wears colored contacts _________________________________________________________________ |
67. Never spoil your man; let him spoil you. 20. Always put yourself and your happiness first. Be greedy and selfish, it's cool! Also, don't compromise or make sacrafices. The whole list treats "a man" like they're some dangerous exotic pet that need to be controlled and watched carefully. A different species. I hate that kind of stuff. |
I can think of several circumstances where it would be fine for a man to hit a woman. What about self defence? |
We didn't date long. :) |
just curious. |
Of course then she would probably call the cops. The world is unfair to guys in these matters. Makes me sad. |
or is that my world. |
Or do statements end with a period. |
also in my world, you serve hot dogs on a stick wearing one of these uniforms and are generally surly. |
I'm just wondering if you think guys can hit guys? Or girls can hit girls? Or girls can hit guys? Every combination except guy hitting girl? |
And if someone more powerful than you messes with you, do everything in your power to avoid or diffuse the situation. Or what do some dads tell their kids? Don't be the first to start a fight, but be the first to end one. My grandmother once threw a pan of boiling water on my grandfather. She was a monster. But I don't think hitting her would have helped anything. |
:) |
My point of view is like this- If a male takes a swing at you, you'll beat him down. But if a woman did the same thing, you would leave her alone. But why is this? why are girls special? Why do males deserve to be put in a hospital, while you would let a lady get away with doing the exact same thing? |
Letting a man spoil you doesn't have to be about material stuff. It can mean letting him cook dinner for you when you get home from a long day at work. Or run you a bath. Or any number of things not involving cash. I dig what she's saying -- I've seen too many women who literally wait on their husbands hand & foot -- the same husbands who are too lazy to bring them a glass of juice when they're laid up with the flu. Personally, I believe in Reciprocal Spoiling. But women tend to be a lot more appreciate of spoiling than men are. The List is NOT saying women should be greedy & selfish -- it's telling them to handle their own business & take responsibility for their romantic entanglements: 64. Provide financially for yourself and don't depend on anyone. 65. Never co-sign for a man. 68. Never let a man mess up your credit. 69. When it's time to let go; let go. 71. Don't play games. I wanna see the original list -- does anyone have a link to where it came from? Or the name of whomever posted it. Did Missy come up with those 75 things, or did Lou Reed? - RC. |
Lou Reed, ha! Imagine Lou Reed reading that list aloud. V.v. - What if someone like Michelle Yeoh was coming at you? If you were backed into a corner and couldn't run, would you defend yourself? |
(Punch) would you... (Kick to knee) OW! would you go out... (Chop to neck) gurgle, gurgle (Hammer punch to clavicle) (V.v. blacks out) |
I'm kidding. Actually, I like women who are very feminine and lush, like Nigella Lawson and Monica Belluci. And I like men who are very rugged and masculine and even a little ugly, like Clive Owen and Sean Bean. I don't like androgyny in either sex. And yet I'm on the boyish side, myself. Weird. |
If a butch lesbian came at you swinging because you made some asinine comment, would you defend yourself? |
You duck issues like you were a Bush spokesman, you know. |
So I just showed my mom the Daily Show clip in which Stephen Colbert deep-throats a banana and cries from laughter and she, well, cried from laughter. Maybe now she'll watch the Daily Show on her own, like I've been begging her to for years. |
And I think J pegged V.v. in this thread. |
who would want to? who am i to question. j is so cute. |
If you're really dying to see the clip alone in realplayer, just right-click on the video and tell it to 'Play in RealOne player'. |
Anyway, the banana clip is about 3/4 of the way down the list of total video clips -- it's labelled as "the Prince Charles Scandal." |
I'm too girly/sympathetic etc. Also I fucked up my appointment to have my wisdom teeth out, so now its on Monday, two days before my birthday. I better be able to eat fucking cake. grr. |
today is Ron's birthday. I love him so much, I wish I could just wave a magic wand and fix all of his problems. |
Kiefer Sutherland is my new boyfriend. |
Well, there's 2 that are my favorite and they make you weep...I know, their "chic flicks"..but if you get a chance, watch them and let me know what you think. Here they are..'Bridges Over Madison County'..and..'Somewhere In Time' Christopher Reeves is in 'Somewhere In Time' and it's very good, at least I think so..:) |
I love a good love story, cause we all want to be inlove and all that mushy stuff, ya know what I mean? I also love good comedies, cause we all need to laugh, so those are always fun to watch. I love the gorey movies too, just like you, cause we all need to get scared every now and then..then we can cling on to the person next to us..:):) I really love documentaries, the true stories...keeps my interest. I should have been a detective or a forensic scientist, cause I love that sort of thing. My favorite movie of all time...'Fried Green Tomatoes" I used to take care of my neighbor, who was very old, so this makes me think of her. |
that is all. |
I agree, lets just have fun! |
I love gardening! I love kids, but not when their crying...:) I like insects, just as long as they don't bite me. Presidents....no comment. I never shop at Walmart!!!!!! I love South American food and a good mocha from StarBucks...yummers..:) I love, love, love the new Chrysler Plymouth 300..with the grill in the front. I love men's suits with suspenders and wearing my funky jewels with it. I love to wear my baseball cap, especially when I'm having a bad hair day. I love to clean! I love to go out and eat! I love sitting on my porch when it rains. I love cuddling when it's snowing...yummy..:) I can go on forever, cause I love so many things, especially when you share it with someone else...it's better that way..:) |