By Venatrix Mirjen on Tuesday, April 28, 1998 - 05:50 pm: |
Don't get me wrong, I'm happily attached and all, and he was too much like me, and it was one of those situations where you just want to get to know a person because...well, they just seem cool in whatever estimation your mind puts up. And it makes me angry that the chances of ever talking to him again are low, because he seemed a lot like me. Do you ever wonder about - what they are doing - the people that you randomly meet? |
By Someonenotme on Friday, May 8, 1998 - 09:52 pm: |
By Wisper on Sunday, May 10, 1998 - 12:51 am: |
Class ends. I leave. Go inside. Slightly depressed at the fact that I will never see him again. I hate that, not seeing these people again. I hope you read this Jesse. Maybe the waves of strange fate will bring us together in another parking lot someday.............. |
By Jesse on Thursday, June 11, 1998 - 01:19 am: |
By Megan on Friday, June 19, 1998 - 02:27 pm: |
By Oddball Odd on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 08:14 am: |
By Wisper on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 01:35 am: |
On my way to an event with dignitaries, I start a conversation with the only other person walking in my group who smokes. Not unusual. I live in California. Smokers have to stick together here. Find out he's French, only he doesn't say he's French, he says he's "From Paris" As I live with an Englishman, I am sorely tempted to say something like "Funny, you don't smell French" (I really don't have much against the French, it's just that I know so many French people jokes and I never get to use them. Besides, they are rude to everyone else in the world, why shouldn't they get razzed too?) Anyway, it turns out that it's a really good thing that I resisted the temptation, because it turns out the guy is the vice-consul of France. Weird. |
years ago, hah) Probably not too long after i wrote this, i did end up seeing Jesse again. Lots. It had been years since that day in the parking lot, but very long story short, he ended up being the best friend of a friend from that very school. He was in the parking lot waiting for her, but i didn't meet her until a few years later. There were many adventures involving him. He was also a teenage heroin addict. This was discovered when someone caught him shooting up while he was hidden in a field during a drunken night game of hide n' seek. It was a shock, but not a surprise. The guy was a hippie who always wore a jean jacket no matter what the weather. Obviously to hide his arms. He also never blinked. I hung out at his house one time. It became apparent that all he really did all day was shoot heroin, eat chocolate chip cookies, and watch Babylon 5. I figured he would die sooner rather than later. But, as it turns out, last i heard he cut his waist-length hair, got rid of his full wardrobe of tie-dye shirts, got clean and got a career somewhere far away. |