one of the strangest days of my entire life yesterday and today. woke up in a colonial era cemetery, back to the fence and looking up at the Kosciuszko bridge. my copy of Darkness Visible, by William Stryon, was sitting on top of the grave of a stillborn child. i laughed, for lack of any suitable response. i don't think i was asleep for more than a few minutes, but aside from that little nap i was awake for over 30 hours between friday and saturday. travels included a lot more places than this. something tell me that in 10 years it will be illegal to do this sort of thing. i don't know about elsewhere in America but new york is becoming very strict, and virtually no one is complaining. implementation of the city equivalent of hall passes and after-school detention will not surprise me. admission to cemeteries will require valid proof of sadness, and the grounds will be patrolled by beefcake cops working their way up to crossing guard. the alsop cemetery is a small cemetery fenced off in the middle of the massive calvary cemetery. this was the first time i've seen 8am in at least 2 years.