bye bye bye bye bye sniffle bye Insomnia: bye bye bye bye bye sniffle bye

By moonit on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 08:42 pm:

    My best friend got told she was about to be offered a job in Nelson (little arty city, four hours away) yesterday. I know its a primo opportunity for her and I lay awake for most of the night thinking she should go.

    She got it. Moves away in two weeks.

    Bye Jules.

    We've been best friends for ten years. She's my right arm. I'm gonna miss her heaps.

    I very sad today.

By Gee on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 01:27 am:

    oh, that's why you were crying?

    maybe you should go with her. is that beyond possible?

By Spider on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 06:12 pm:

    Moonit, I'm so sorry to hear that.

    One of my very good friends from high school went to college about a thousand miles away from me / her home, and I only see her about twice a year. But we still write each other postcards and AIM each other all the time, so I don't miss her nearly as much as I would if we never spoke.

    Seeing as how good of friends you and Jules are, you'll be sure to stay in touch with each other.

    And to restate what Gee asked: any chance you could move to Nelson with her?

By moonit on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 09:20 pm:

    nah, its a pretty, pretty little town - great for long weekends. Darcy is buried there somewhere.

    Theres only really four main centres in NZ, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. So if she had gone to Welly or Dorkland I would of gone - theres not too much work in Nelson - at least not till summer when you can fruit pick and stuff, but thats not really my kind of thing.

    At least Nelson will be nice to hang out in at summer!

By semillama on Saturday, May 27, 2000 - 11:16 am:

    4 hours? That's pretty close. If My best friend moves to Ashland, she'll be about 4 hours away. Right now, all my oldest and best friends are a 5-6 hour FLIGHT away.

    Now that can put some distance in a relationship (NPI).

By moonit on Sunday, May 28, 2000 - 06:22 pm:

    Well I know that I am pathetic. BUT this is my bestest friend ever. We have been thru so much crap, I can't imagine not being able to ring her up and see her 10 minutes later.

    We go out clubbing every weekend. I've gotten smashed off my tits with half of her workmates. I've hung out with her mumma. I've been out dancing with her sister. Her brother organises my illegal substance supply. I can cry on her shoulder and she will always cheer me up. It will just be wierd not to have her around. She's pretty much the superglue that holds all of our friends together.

    However she has organised free flights back every six weeks for the next year as part of her contract!

The Stalking Post: General goddam chit-chat Every 3 seconds: Sex . Can men and women just be friends? . Dreamland . Insomnia . Are you stoned? . What are you eating? I need advice: Can you help? . Reasons to be cheerful . Days and nights . Words . Are there any news? Wishful thinking: Have you ever... . I wish you were... . Why I oughta... Is it art?: This question seems to come up quite often around here. Weeds: Things that, if erased from our cultural memory forever, would be no great loss Surfwatch: Where did you go on the 'net today? What are you listening to?: Worst music you've ever heard . What song or tune is going through your head right now? . Obscure composers . Obscure Jazz, 1890-1950 . Whatever, whenever General Questions: Do you have any regrets? . Who are you? . Where are you? . What are you doing here? . What have you done? . Why did you do it? . What have you failed to do? . What are you wearing? . What do you want? . How do you do? . What do you want to do today? . Are you stupid? Specific Questions: What is the cruelest thing you ever did? . Have you ever been lonely? . Have you ever gone hungry? . Are you pissed off? . When is the last time you had sex? . What does it look like where you are? . What are you afraid of? . Do you love me? . What is your definition of Heaven? . What is your definition of Hell? Movies: Last movie you saw . Worst movie you ever saw . Best movie you ever saw Reading: Best book you've ever read . Worst book you've ever read . Last book you read Drunken ramblings: uiphgy8 hxbjf.bklf ghw789- bncgjkvhnqwb=8[ . Payphones: Payphone Project BBS . torturechamber . . receipts . contact