give a spammer a taste of his own medicine. The Payphone Project: give a spammer a taste of his own medicine.

By Ihatespammers on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 01:04 pm:

    SPAM! Consistently number 1 on the list of things that makes the internet suck. Meet Alan Ralsky. If you get a spam email about weight loss, mortgage refinancing or casinos, the chances are that it originated from Mr Ralsky here. Using servers hosted in any country that will allow it, Ralsky regularly sends out a staggering 15 million emails per day.

    Speaking from his recently acquired $740,000 home (located at: 6747 MINNOW POND DR, WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI 48322 - oops, it slipped out), Alan Ralsky boasted that the weight loss spam alone paid for a good percentage of the remodelling costs in his new home . More recently, ex-convict Ralsky was reported as being more than a little pissed off that people were sending spam to his business email address ( - oops what am I thinking!) and making nuisance phone calls to the number: 888-531-4793 (my bad).

    He was particularly upset about people posting his personal details on the internet which resulted in him receiving lots of correspondence that he didn't ask for - not to mention people leaving dog shit on his doorstep. The purpose of this article is to ask people to leave this poor guy alone! I mean, everyone is entitled to their privacy and it's just not right to harrass people in that manner ;-)

By Teach em a lesson on Wednesday, January 22, 2003 - 10:59 am:

    I would forward Steve Case (before he took over Time-Warner) a copy of each SPAM I got because AOHell's email controls are not very effective. So, since dear Alan is in the business if I forward him copies of each SPAM I receive, it may help him in his endeavors. If I stop receiving SPAM, then I guess I will not be able to give him any more feedback.

By . on Monday, November 8, 2004 - 04:13 pm:

    Here's an idea.

    Write Ralsky's address in both the recipient and the return address spots on an envelope.

    Put the envelope in a PUBLIC MAILBOX (not your own).

    The mail should be delivered to him POSTAGE DUE, as the sender and the recipient are the same, and therefore no place else for it to go but to him.

    Alan Murray Ralsky
    6747 Minnow Pond Dr,
    West Bloomfield,
    MI 48322

The Stalking Post: General goddam chit-chat Every 3 seconds: Sex . Can men and women just be friends? . Dreamland . Insomnia . Are you stoned? . What are you eating? I need advice: Can you help? . Reasons to be cheerful . Days and nights . Words . Are there any news? Wishful thinking: Have you ever... . I wish you were... . Why I oughta... Is it art?: This question seems to come up quite often around here. Weeds: Things that, if erased from our cultural memory forever, would be no great loss Surfwatch: Where did you go on the 'net today? What are you listening to?: Worst music you've ever heard . What song or tune is going through your head right now? . Obscure composers . Obscure Jazz, 1890-1950 . Whatever, whenever General Questions: Do you have any regrets? . Who are you? . Where are you? . What are you doing here? . What have you done? . Why did you do it? . What have you failed to do? . What are you wearing? . What do you want? . How do you do? . What do you want to do today? . Are you stupid? Specific Questions: What is the cruelest thing you ever did? . Have you ever been lonely? . Have you ever gone hungry? . Are you pissed off? . When is the last time you had sex? . What does it look like where you are? . What are you afraid of? . Do you love me? . What is your definition of Heaven? . What is your definition of Hell? Movies: Last movie you saw . Worst movie you ever saw . Best movie you ever saw Reading: Best book you've ever read . Worst book you've ever read . Last book you read Drunken ramblings: uiphgy8 hxbjf.bklf ghw789- bncgjkvhnqwb=8[ . Payphones: Payphone Project BBS . torturechamber . . receipts . contact